// parent window functions and global vars var env_page_target_window = "portal-target-pagemode"; var env_page_target_width = 960; var env_windowtargets_list = []; var env_current_window_target; $(window).resize(function () { ResizeAllWindowHeights(); ToggleDragCursorIcons(); }); function InitWindow(windowtargetid, windowurl, windowtitle, windowicon, closeclickevents, windowwidth, ignorecache) { var lang_window = { close: "Close" || "Close", //loading: "Loading Content
Please Wait" || "Loading Content
Please Wait", loading: "Loading
" + windowtitle + "
Please Wait" || "Loading Content
Please Wait", }; //nip problematic urls in the bud if (windowurl.indexOf("undefined") > 1) return false; var scrollx = 0; var newwindow = true; var window_target_id = (env_portal_mode == "page") ? env_page_target_window : windowtargetid; env_current_window_target = (env_portal_mode == "page") ? env_page_target_window : windowtargetid; var $winobj = [], $winload = [], $winarea = []; //Window object, loading and areas // default window width if parameter is empty var win_width = parseInt(windowwidth) || ((env_portal_mode == "page") ? env_page_target_width : 700); // only execute if the panel doesn't exist if (!$('#' + window_target_id).length) { // new window newwindow = true; env_windowtargets_list.push($('#' + window_target_id)); // get the current width of the window container var wincontainerwidth = $("#env-dashboard-windows-content").width(); var datawindowicon = windowicon ? " data-window-icon=\"" + windowicon + "\"" : ""; // add the containers where the content will be inserted var beginningwrapper = "
"; var loadingwrapper = "
" + lang_window.close + "" + lang_window.loading + "
"; var areawrapper = "
"; var endingwrapper = "
"; $("#env-dashboard-windows-content").append(beginningwrapper + loadingwrapper + areawrapper + endingwrapper); // put the new target in a jquery object $winobj = $("#" + window_target_id); $winload = $winobj.children("div.portal-window-loading"); $winarea = $winobj.children("div.portal-window-area"); //Bind the close event to the temporary close button if (env_portal_mode != "page") { $winload.find("a.portal-window-loading-close").click(function () { RemoveWindow("#" + window_target_id); eval(closeclickevents); }); //Re-calibrate iscroll RecalibrateScroll(); //Calculate offset of the new window in the container var t = CalculateWidth(win_width); var ww = $(window).width(); var a = 0; //$("#env-aside").width(); //If panel window is bigger than browser window, have it scroll to the left edge instead of the right edge scrollx = (win_width > (ww - a)) ? t - ww - (a / 2) : t - ww + a; //add this window to the window list UpdateWindowList(); // add this window to the user's open window cache list if (!ignorecache == true) $.post("/Cache/OpenWindows/SaveOpenWindowReference", { targetid: escape(windowtargetid), url: escape(windowurl), title: escape(windowtitle), icon: escape(windowicon), closeevents: escape(closeclickevents), width: win_width }); } else $("div.portal-window-loading a.portal-ui-close").addClass("hide"); } else { // not new window newwindow = false; // put the new target in a jquery object $winobj = $("#" + window_target_id); $winload = $winobj.children("div.portal-window-loading"); $winarea = $winobj.children("div.portal-window-area"); var scrollarea = $("div.portal-dashboard-scroll-belt"); if (env_portal_mode != "page") { //Re-calibrate iscroll RecalibrateScroll(); //Calculate offset of the new window in the container var t = CalculateWidth(win_width); var ww = $(window).width(); var a = $("#env-aside").width(); scrollx = $winobj.isOnScreen(1, 0) ? null : $winobj.position().left - 130; } else { $winobj.width(win_width); $winarea.width(win_width); } // remove current window content and replace with loading message $winload.css("display", "block"); $winarea.css("display", "none"); } // check if drag icons are necessary ToggleDragCursorIcons(); // close the panel ClosePanel(); // scroll to the window area (only if the window isn't fully visible) if (env_portal_mode != "page") { if (scrollx) ScrollToElement(scrollx); } // fade in the window $winobj.fadeIn(); //load in the partial $.ajax({ url: windowurl, success: function (html) { // append the content if new if (newwindow) $winarea.append(html); else $winarea.empty().html(html); // set the title $winarea.find("h2.window-title").html(windowtitle); // set the header buttons if (env_portal_mode != "page") { //Get the pin hooked up (if there is one) or dim it out if a tile already exists. var $winpin = $winarea.find("a.window-action-pin"); if ($winpin.length > 0) { $winpin.click(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("disabled")) { // move to pins ScrollToElement(0); // save pin var pinform = $winarea.find("form.portal-pinform"); dashboardplugin.layoutdashboard('tilesplugin').pintiles('savepin', "/Pins/Tiles/SavePinAsTile", $(pinform).serialize(), window_target_id); } }); } // set the close window click $winarea.find("a.window-action-close").click(function () { RemoveWindow("#" + window_target_id); eval(closeclickevents); }); // set the refresh button click $winarea.find("a.window-action-refresh").click(function () { InitWindow(window_target_id, windowurl, windowtitle, windowicon, closeclickevents, win_width); }); // set the documentation button click $winarea.find("a.window-action-documentation").click(function () { var $infobtn = $(this); var doctitle = $infobtn.data("title"); var docpartial = $infobtn.data("partial"); $("#WindowHeaderDocumentationPopup").empty(); $.colorbox({ inline: true, overlayClose: false, width: 600, height: "90%", maxWidth: "95%", maxHeight: "90%", title: doctitle, href: "#WindowHeaderDocumentationPopup", onComplete: function () { $("#WindowHeaderDocumentationPopup").append("
"); $("#WindowHeaderDocumentationPopup").load("/Documentation/Documentation/OpenDocument/" + docpartial); } }); }); } else CachePageWindow(windowtargetid, windowurl, windowtitle, windowicon, closeclickevents, windowwidth); // set the report button click $winarea.find("a.window-action-chart").click(function () { ToggleReportOverlay(this); }); //add this window to the window list (and activate the pin if tile doesn't exist) UpdateWindowList(); //Time to show the content $winload.fadeOut(250, function () { $winarea.fadeIn(250, function () { //As soon as content is visible, see if a scrollbar needs to be added if (use_iscroll) { var name = "panelwindow_" + window_target_id; var winscroll = "#" + $(this).find("div.portal-window-wrapper").attr("id"); window[name] = new IScroll(winscroll, { scrollX: false, scrollY: true, scrollbars: true }); //iScroll } //Set the window's fixed height CalibrateWindowHeight($winobj, false); }); }); } }); } function ExpandToolbarStatus(obj, msgHtml, className) { var $obj = $(obj); var $win = $obj.closest(".portal-window-content") || $obj.find(".portal-window-content"); var $toolbar = $win.children(".portal-window-toolbar"); var delay = closeDelay == 0 ? 0 : (closeDelay || 5000); //Does status already exist var status_exists = $toolbar.find(".portal-window-toolbar-status").length > 0; var $status = status_exists ? $toolbar.find(".portal-window-toolbar-status") : $("
"); //Render message msgHtml = msgHtml.length > 0 ? msgHtml : "

Message goes here

"; msgHtml = msgHtml.indexOf(" -1 ? msgHtml : "

" + msgHtml + "

"; $status.html(msgHtml).addClass(className); if (status_exists) { $status.css("style", ""); } else { var $a_close_status = $(""); $a_close_status.on("click", function () { CollapseToolbarStatus(this); }); $status.append($a_close_status); $toolbar.append($status); } $status.find("p").css({ "height": $toolbar.outerHeight() }); $status.animate({ "left": "0%" }, function () { if (delay > 0) setTimeout(function () { CollapseToolbarStatus($a_close_status); }, delay); }); } function CollapseToolbarStatus(obj) { var $obj = $(obj); var $win = $obj.closest(".portal-window-content") || $obj.find(".portal-window-content"); var $toolbar = $win.children(".portal-window-toolbar"); var $status = $toolbar.children(".portal-window-toolbar-status"); $status.animate({ "left": "-100%" }, function () { $status.remove(); }); } function RemoveWindow(window) { //Remove the scrolling instance first if (use_iscroll) { var name = "panelwindow_" + $(window).attr("id"); if (window[name]) window[name].destroy(); //iScroll } //Now lose the window $(window).width(0); //Animate it closed $(window).fadeOut(500, function () { $(window).remove(); var tilewidth = $("#env-dashboard-tiles-container").width(); var winwidth = $("#env-dashboard-windows-container").width(); $("#env-dashboard-scroll-belt").animate({ width: tilewidth + winwidth }, function () { CalculateWidth(); }); // remove this window from the user's open window cache list $.post("/Cache/OpenWindows/DeleteOpenWindowReference", { targetid: escape(window.replace('#', '')) }); //redo the window list UpdateWindowList(); }); } function CalculateWidth(newwindowwidth) { var tilewidth = $("#env-dashboard-tiles-container").width(); var winwidth = $("#env-dashboard-windows-container").width(); var newwinwidth = newwindowwidth === undefined ? 0 : newwindowwidth; var total = tilewidth + winwidth + newwinwidth + 70; $("#env-dashboard-scroll-belt").width(total + 1); //The +1 is in case there are sub-pixel widths in any of the containers getting truncated by JQuery //$("#env-debug-container").append(tilewidth + " " + winwidth + " " + newwinwidth + " : " + total + "
"); RecalibrateScroll(); ToggleDragCursorIcons(); return total; } function RecalibrateScroll(win) { if (use_iscroll) { var targetscroll = win || bodyscroll; setTimeout(function () { if (targetscroll) targetscroll.refresh(); }, 0); //iScroll } } function RecalibrateWindowScroll(obj) { var $that = ConvertToJQueryObject(obj); var windowname = "panelwindow_" + ($that.hasClass("portal-window") ? $that.attr("id") : $that.closest(".portal-window").attr("id")); if (obj) RecalibrateScroll(window[windowname]); } function RecalibrateBucketScroll(obj) { var $that = ConvertToJQueryObject(obj); var bucketname = "bucket_" + ($that.hasClass("portal-bucket-inner") ? $that.attr("id") : $that.closest(".portal-bucket-inner").attr("id")); if (obj) RecalibrateScroll(window[bucketname]); } function RecalibrateFilmstripScroll(obj) { var $that = ConvertToJQueryObject(obj); //var fsname = "filmstrip_" + ($that.hasClass("portal-bucket-inner") ? $that.attr("id") : $that.closest(".portal-bucket-inner").attr("id")); //if (obj) RecalibrateScroll(window[fsname]); } function ScrollToElement(x) { if (use_iscroll) { if (bodyscroll) bodyscroll.scrollTo(-x, 0, 500); //iScroll } else $(bodyscroll).animate({ scrollLeft: x }, 500); } function ResizeAllWindowHeights() { var windowHeight = $("#env-dashboard-windows-content").innerHeight(); var allWindows = $(".portal-window"); $(allWindows).each(function (i, o) { CalibrateWindowHeight(o); }); } function CalibrateWindowHeight(obj, resizing) { var resize = (resizing !== undefined) ? resizing : true; var winHeight = $(".portal-dashboard-windows-content").innerHeight(); var parentWin = !$(obj).hasClass("portal-window") ? $(obj).closest(".portal-window") : $(obj); var headerHeight = $(parentWin).find(".portal-window-header").outerHeight(); var toolbarHeight = $(parentWin).find(".portal-window-toolbar").outerHeight(); var footerHeight = $(parentWin).find(".portal-window-footer").outerHeight(); var retroHeader = $("body.page-mode aside").outerHeight() || 0; var portalWindowContent = $(parentWin).find(".portal-window-content"); var portalWindowWrapper = $(parentWin).find(".portal-window-wrapper"); var portalWindowActiveBucket = $(parentWin).find(".portal-bucket.active"); var portalWindowContentHeight = winHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight; var portalWindowWrapperHeight = portalWindowContentHeight - toolbarHeight; var portalWindowActiveBucketHeight = portalWindowWrapperHeight - 24; $(portalWindowContent).height(portalWindowContentHeight); $(portalWindowWrapper).height(portalWindowWrapperHeight); if (portalWindowActiveBucket.length > 0) $(portalWindowActiveBucket).height(portalWindowActiveBucketHeight); //Adjust all flex elements $(".flex-height").each(function (i,e) { var $flex = $(e); var offsettop = $flex.offset().top; var flexheight = portalWindowContentHeight - offsettop + 30 + retroHeader; $flex.height(flexheight); }); //Since iScroll already auto-resizes on window resize, only fire this for height changes within the local window if (!resize && use_iscroll) { RecalibrateWindowScroll($(parentWin)); } //$("#env-debug-container").html("Window: " + winHeight + "
" + "Header: " + headerHeight + "
" + "Footer: " + footerHeight); } function ToggleReportOverlay(jqForm) { var $parent = $(jqForm).closest(".portal-window-container"); var $chart_container = $parent.find(".portal-window-report-container"); var $chart = $chart_container.children(".portal-window-report"); var $chart_close = $chart.find("a.portal-window-report-close"); if ($chart_container.hasClass("closed")) $chart_container.animate({ top: 0 }, function () { $(this).removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); $chart_close.on("click", function () { ToggleReportOverlay(jqForm); }); }); else if ($chart_container.hasClass("open")) $chart_container.animate({ top: "-100%" }, function () { $(this).removeClass("open").addClass("closed"); $chart_close.off(); }) } function CachePageWindow(windowtargetid, windowurl, windowtitle, windowicon, closeclickevents, windowwidth) { pagecacheplugin.pagewindows("addpagehistory", windowtargetid, windowurl, windowtitle, windowicon, closeclickevents, windowwidth); } function UpdateWindowList() { //Set language var lang_windowlist = { reorder: "Re-order this window" || "Re-order this window", move: "Move" || "Move", pinned: "Window is currently pinned" || "Window is currently pinned", pin: "Pin" || "Pin", pinthis: "Pin this window to your dashboard" || "Pin this window to your dashboard.", closewin: "Close this window" || "Close this window", close: "Close" || "Close", closing: "Closing window" || "Closing Window", loading: "Loading Window Content" || "Loading Window Content", empty: "There are currently no active windows open." || "There are currently no active windows open." }; //Get all the open windows var $windowobj = $("div.portal-sidemenu-windows-list"); var $windowlist = $("div.portal-window"); var $windowlistul = $windowobj.find("ul"); if ($windowlist.length > 0) { //Remove the last one $windowlistul.remove(); //Create a new list var html = "
"; $windowobj.append(html); //Bind events to the buttons $windowlistgoto = $("a.window-item-title"); $windowlistpin = $("a.window-item-action.portal-ui-pin"); $windowlistclose = $("a.window-item-action.portal-ui-close"); $windowlistdrag = $("a.window-item-action.portal-ui-drag"); $.each($windowlistgoto, function (i, e) { $(e).on("click", function () { WindowListGoTo(e); }); }); $.each($windowlistpin, function (i, e) { $(e).on("click", function () { WindowListPin(e); }) }); $.each($windowlistclose, function (i,e) { $(e).on("click", function () { WindowListClose(e, lang_windowlist.closing); }); }); $("ul.portal-sidemenu-windows-list-items").sortable({ handle: $windowlistdrag, axis: "y", update: function (i,e) { WindowReorder(e); } }); } else { $windowlistul.html("
  • " + lang_windowlist.empty + "
  • "); } } function CheckForPinIcon(obj) { var $win = $(obj); var $pin = $win.find(".window-action-pin"); return $pin.length > 0; } function CheckForExistingPin(wid) { if (wid) { var $tiles = $("div#tile_sortable").children(); var $tile = $tiles.filter('[data-window-target-id="' + wid + '"]'); return $tile.length > 0; } else return false; } function WindowListPin(obj) { var $obj = $(obj); var $li = $obj.closest("li"); var $win = $("#" + $li.data("window-id")); var $pin = $win.find("a.window-action-pin"); if ($pin.length > 0) $pin.trigger("click"); else $pin.remove(); } function WindowListClose(obj, message) { var $obj = $(obj); var $li = $obj.closest("li"); $li.addClass("portal-ui-animate-loading").html(message || "Closing Window"); var $win = $("#" + $li.data("window-id")); var $close = $win.find("a.window-action-close"); $close.trigger("click"); } function WindowListGoTo(obj) { var $obj = $(obj); var $li = $obj.closest("li"); var $win = $("#" + $li.data("window-id")); var scrollx = $win.isOnScreen(1, 0) ? null : $win.position().left - 130; if (scrollx) ScrollToElement(scrollx); } function WindowReorder(obj) { var listitem = obj.item; var windowid = listitem.data("window-id"); var windowindex = listitem.index(); if (windowid) { var $win = $("#" + windowid); WindowAnimatePositions($win, windowindex, listitem); } } function WindowAnimatePositions(targetWin, targetWinIndex, targetItem) { var $parent = $("div.portal-dashboard-windows-content"); var $orderlist = $("ul.portal-sidemenu-windows-list-items li"); var $windows = $("div.portal-window"); var $winpositionold = []; var $winpositionnew = []; var $winwidth = []; //So iPad doesn't shrink the parent to 0 width $parent.width($parent.width()); //Capture windows position and width $windows.each(function (i, e) { var $e = $(e); $winpositionold.push($e.position().left); $winwidth.push($e.outerWidth()); $e.css({ "left": $e.position().left }); }); $windows.css({ "position": "absolute" }); $winpositionnew.push($winpositionold[0]); //Set the first new position to the same as the old //Move the elements in the DOM if (targetWinIndex == 0) { var $first = $windows.first(); if ($first.length > 0) $(targetWin).insertBefore($first); } else { var $adjacent = $(targetItem).prev(); if ($adjacent.length > 0) { var $adj = $("#" + $adjacent.data("window-id")); if ($adj.length > 0) $(targetWin).insertAfter($adj); } } //Assign new position coordinates for all the windows $orderlist.each(function (i, e) { var $e = $(e); var $winobj = $("#" + $e.data("window-id")); if ($winobj.length > 0) { if (i < $orderlist.length - 1) //set the position for the following window by getting the width for the previous one $winpositionnew.push($winpositionnew[i] + $winobj.outerWidth(true)); //Animate windows to their new position $winobj.animate({ left: $winpositionnew[i] }, function () { if (i == $orderlist.length - 1) $windows.css({ "position": "", "left": "" }); $parent.removeAttr("style"); }); } }); }